Monday, November 22, 2010

I Wish I Had A Slice of Pizza Right Now

Well folks, things are really heating up in Gnartoons Studios (the radiator just kicked on in my studio apartment), I've been getting lotsa lotsa comics drawn up lately. If you've been reading this blahg for a little while then you probably know that I've recently made the plunge into being a full-time illustrator / comic artist. I used to be able to draw up new comics and throw them online as soon as I was done with them because I had very few paying publishers using my work, nowadays I'm trying to get my silly little drawings published elsewhere before they go up online here. So, that being said, there will probably be a little bit of a lag as I try to get this Gnartoons machine up and running. In the mean time I'll be posting a lot of pages from my sketchbooks on here and probably a few of my old favorite comics that may have been forgotten by now. Incase this news stings your gnar glands a little bit, I did draw a comic just for you guys and colored it in this morning, because I care.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Being Sketchy in San Francisco

Well, as predicted, Piano Fight delivers with another hilarious production AND I crashed on my Friends Kevin and Alyse's floor again, leaving me with an entire Saturday to meander up, down and through San Francisco. I walked and walked and walked and found a few nice spots to draw while I was in Russian Hill. I was sitting on the sidewalk though, so there was a limit to how long I could draw before:

a) my back and booty started aching and
b) residents started looking out their windows at me suspiciously

...At least, that's the excuse I'm going with for why these drawings aren't finished. The truth is, I'm sharing my secret sketchbook pages with you, never meant for human eyes, the hand-drawn equivalent of words I might whisper to a dog...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Turtle Necks Feel Oppressive But Look Adorable on Animals

It's about time I start showing off what I was doodling into my sketchbook while I was on the road isn't it? I drew these fellas while I was sitting on my friend Sam's couch in Portland (so it of course was raining at the time). I'm about to head over to San Francisco to see a play by those weirdos that run things at (Off Market Theater). If you're local to the Bay Area or are ever visiting, I highly recommend checking out one of their plays or sketch comedy shows, they are always hilarious! I'll be the guy with the maniacal laugh. Try something new this weekend, puhlease!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Internet City Welcomes the Gnartoons Blog District

*white text denotes nonsense
*purplish text denotes truth

There's a brand new blog in Internet City
and it's this one, you're here on the new blog, you must know a thing or two about new spots to hang out on the internet. Maybe we can go get some internet coffee later?... Now I'll be able to continue to upload new comics while traveling without my computer, should I ever go on another "2-week" trip that lasts 51 days again (I hope that happens again). Not only that, but now you can actually subscribe to an RSS feed and be all high-tech in true Gnartoons fashion. And we all know how technologically logical the fashions of gnartoons are. All sorts of new colors and ramblings coming this way more often than you're probably prepared for, so get yourself ready for it, however it is that you do that for yourself. Like if you were in a tent and you heard a bear and you were preparing yourself mentally to fight off the bear in the name of your small and precious dogs that you foolishly brought with you on your mountain camping excursion (the bear was tracking you the whole time!). Well, my metaphorical bear comics are coming for you and your dogs, so do some yoga poses or whatever you need to do to calm yourself down in the meantime. My cartoons will eat your little dogs, that part wasn't a metaphor.